In the month of May 2016 it has become cheaper by an average of 0.2%

The resale property in Spain has become cheaper by 0.2% during the month of May, leaving the square meter in 1,537 euros, according to the latest house price index, which has been used 396,085 ads that are or have been announced in its database between 26 April and 27 May 2016. the annual fall was 3.4%.

However, it has not been widespread. The price has risen in five of the 17 communities. The largest increase is registered in the Canary Islands, where landlords require 0.6% more for their homes than a month, followed by the rise of Murcia and the Balearic Islands, where they have also grown by 0.6% ago. In Navarre they rose 0.4% and 0.1% in Asturias. In Catalonia, however, they did not move. The largest decline occurred in La Rioja (-1.8%), followed by Castilla La Mancha (-1.4%) and Extremadura (-1%).

More have been the Spanish provinces that have kept prices in positive during the month of May, a total of 17. It has grown by 1.5% in Lugo, followed by increases of Las Palmas (0.7%). The biggest drop, however, is registered in Cuenca (-2.6%), Almeria (-2.6%), Girona and Palencia (-2.2%).

When it comes to money, the housing prices have increased in 15 of them. The steepest climb is lived by Castellón, where expectations of owners grew 1.3%. In Granada, the increase was 1%, while in Palma de Mallorca has remained at 0.7%. By contrast, the largest declines have occurred in Huelva (-2.8%), Girona (-2.7%) and Teruel (-2.1%).

San Sebastián is still the most expensive in Spain, with 3,891 euros per square meter city. It is followed by Barcelona (3,488 euros) and Madrid (2.863 euros). Lleida, however, is the most economical, with 808 euros, followed by Avila (1,018 euros) and Castellón (1,028 euros).