Simple cosmetics recipes for looking after your skin at Tenerife

You can moisturise and protect your skin in Tenerife and enjoy soothing and refreshing sensations thanks to creams and lotions made from oils, waxes and vaselines, herbs and plants, various foodstuffs (such as vinegar, honey, yoghurt, eggs, fruit and vegetables) combined with chemical compounds, which are essential for giving your cosmetics recipes consistency.

Moisturise with avocado, banana and yoghurt

These are three fantastic foods for moisturising your skin. The first two, mixed in similar amounts into a purée, will enable you to moisturise your face deeply. Leave this preparation in the fridge for half an hour, apply it to the face and neck and leave it for fifteen minutes before removing it with warm water.

Using a yoghurt, a banana and the right amount of oil (sunflower, olive or almond) to bind the ointment together, you will have a good moisturising cream for the neck, shoulders and cleavage.

Step two: protection

The first thing that the skin needs in the summer is moisturising. The second, is protection so that you can be safely exposed to the air and sun. In order to achieve this, you should apply a sun cream to the skin which has the appropriate protection factor, and drink a freshly squeezed juice made from carrot, pumpkin and melon every day, in order to reinforce the action of your sun protection.

How to soothe and refresh your skin

In order to look after your skin in the summer, it is essential that you provide it with soothing and refreshing sensations that can relieve it from the effects of excessive exposure to the sun in Tenerife, which can cause anything from redness and irritation to sunburn.

Cider vinegar can become your best ally after a day at the swimming pool or the beach. Apply it to your skin gently using a wipe.

You can also make a super face mask using a tablespoon of cider vinegar, two tablespoons of pumpkin purée and half a tablespoon of rose water. Leave it to take effect for fifteen minutes and remove it using warm water.

Marigold oil, ideal

Marigolds are excellent for soothing your skin and relieving redness and irritation. You can make marigold oil using a litre of almond oil and 300 grammes of fresh marigold leaves or 100 grammes of dried leaves. You immerse the leaves in a glass jar containing the litre of almond oil, and leave them to rest for sixteen days. Subsequently, you strain the liquid through a fine sieve into a dark glass jar so that it retains all of its properties.

Chemistry and homemade cosmetics, a good team

It is likely that when making some cosmetics recipes you will need chemical substances, since they are essential for binding the mixtures, thickening them and giving them the ideal texture.

We recommend that you look for information in order to acquire a list of recommended stockists of both natural products and essential oils, and of chemical compounds.

Homemade cosmetics are a fantastic alternative for looking after your skin, since they are cheaper than conventional products and possibly more effective, if you find reliable cosmetics recipes that are easy to make… such as these!

Did you know that…

Vitamin C, present in raw fresh vegetables, is essential to beautiful, smooth skin.